When you look around your Denver home and see a few spiderwebs here and there, you might not think much of it. The majority of the spiders that invade houses are not dangerous, other than the fact that they may leave an itchy bite. However, having spiders in your house could point to a larger issue that needs to be addressed. By learning more about wolf spiders, one of the most common species of spiders that invade Denver area homes, you’ll realize just how problematic it can be to have them on your property and why preventing them is so important.
How They Got Their Name
Wolf spiders are one of the most unique-looking arachnids in the world. Measuring anywhere from 1 inch to 1 ¾ inches long, they have skinny hairy legs stemming from dark, robust brown bodies that include pale yellow or gray markings. Their hairy legs are one of the features that earned the wolf spider its name, but its hunting methods contribute as well.
If you see spider activity on your property, there’s a pretty good chance it’s a wolf spider. Since wolf spiders chase their prey using their speed, rather than spinning webs, they are often seen in houses at ground level, scurrying under furniture or kitchen appliances. You’re much more likely to encounter them over other spiders as they hunt for pest prey at night.
Prevent Wolf Spiders
While wolf spiders may be frightening to encounter in your home, they really pose no threat to humans. Their bite is not venomous or dangerous to humans, and they rarely bite unless they’re provoked. However, their presence in your home can indicate a severe pest issue. A wolf spider’s preferred habitat is outdoors in a woodsy area with plenty of shade from the sun, and fertile hunting grounds. If they wander into your home, it’s only because they think your home provides a sustainable source of their pest prey.
If you want to avoid getting surprised by a frighteningly fast, hairy brown spider in your house, you’ll want to make your home as pest-free as possible. Here are some of the best general pest management tips. These will make it harder for wolf spiders to invade your home and make them much less interested in doing so:
Proper food and trash storage: some pests can sense when food or trash is accessible and will invade your home quickly if that is the case.
Cleaning regularly: consistent cleaning habits can limit loose crumbs that many pests can live on for days.
Lawn maintenance: if your lawn is messy or allows moisture to buildup unevenly, it will be the first thing that attracts pests onto your property.
Clutter reduction: pests love clutter, both inside the home and out. A clear, organized space is very intimidating to pests.
Sealing entry points: cracks and crevices around the house should be sealed with a silicone-based caulk, and you should monitor your screens for tears or separations.
While all of these methods can reduce your chances of a pest or wolf spider infestation, nothing provides guaranteed prevention results like the pros. The best way to keep wolf spiders and their pest prey out is with professional help. Give us a call at Falkin Pest Control today.